Your Independent Movie Guide
By | June 2012
The confrontation we’ve all been waiting for: Girl Daughter vs. Chicken Zombie!
The confrontation we've all been waiting for: Girl Daughter vs. Chicken Zombie! From the mind of Brian Lynch (Spike, Angel and Angry Naked Pat) and the pen...
Saturday Morning Massacre offers up a simple "what if" as its basic premise: What if the characters from Scooby-Doo were real people, dealing with...
David (Sam Senovich) is easily having the worst day of his life. His distrusting wife browbeats him and leaves him, he loses his job and, while staying at...
Filmmaker Michael Clinkenbeard's Nightfall is a familiar tale told in a familiar way. Opening with a notice of government evidence, this "found footage"...
In Simple Mind, Bob (Timothy J. Cox) recounts an infatuation he has with a woman, Samantha (Kristi McCarson), to his female therapist. At first, we're...
This review was originally published on March 11, 2012... While I am open to most ideas for films, I have to admit that I was dubious about watching a...
In filmmaker Daniel Brener's Son of a Dog, bad increasing turns to worse when Alex (Alex Brener) comes to the rescue of the dog his neighbor is physically...
Monière's documentary XeNation?: Abundance was a frustrating film to watch, to be perfectly honest with you. Delivered with very little subtlety, the...
The production website for Fight Night Legacy speaks of the short film as if it were a series, and after seeing it, I think that is applicable. What we...
Filmmaker Gino Montoya explores a disturbing prospect in his horror film, Virus; that a computer virus could somehow replicate not just to computers, cell...