Written and Directed by filmmaker Jason Honeycutt, Supermom is an entertaining short film with an essential message. We’re given a montage of little girls donning capes and pretending to be a superheroine called Skyfire, a long-time tradition usually associated with little boys and their obsession with Superman. The intro and the music are reminiscent of a 2000’s superhero movie complete with dramatic music and whooshing metallic credits. I got a nice little kick out of this attention to detail. What follows is anything but your standard superhero film. This is a story about real heroes and how they relate to and even outshine their make-believe counterparts. The premise is predicated on the leaps in logic we all used to make when we were children, and the end result is an original look at what a hero can and should be.
“…an entertaining short film with an essential message.”
The story examines Addison’s (played by Kaylee Dennis) perception of her Mother (played by Justine Herron), a Firefighter who works long and late hours. Based on the vague reasons Addison’s Father (played by John Hensley) gives her for her Mother’s busyness and absences, Addison surmises that her Mother has to be the popular superhero, Skyfire. The notion isn’t all that far-fetched, both travel around their respective cities saving people and braving untold danger, both put on a uniform, and both work strange hours after all. The film examines these similarities in an interesting way during the films impactful climax involving a heroic rescue mission first shown in a fantastical superheroine fantasy, and then in a more realistic portrayal.
“…a remarkable story about positive role models who embody strength, sacrifice, pride, and courage.”
Kaylee Dennis as Mother/Skyfire and Garrett Sato as Isabella’s Father both have some really strong moments that really impressed me. Some of the camera work, especially early on, is a little too shaky for my taste. It’s admittedly a pet peeve of mine, but I have to admit it had me distracted. The rescue scenes at the end were wonderful, however. Watching the superheroine Skyfire version was neat, and the special effects, while not perfect, were still very impressive for a short film. The realistic version was amazing and terrifying looking. I understand that there was an early idea to end the film on a darker, more somber note and honestly, I kind of wish they’d gone with that. It would have been bold, and poignant but I totally understand why they went with a happier ending. I wasn’t bothered by this choice and I don’t think it hurts the final product one bit, but I think the darker ending would have had more of a punch.
In a time where female empowerment is a topical issue at the forefront of so many media outlets, Supermom is a remarkable story about positive role models who embody strength, sacrifice, pride, and courage. It’s a super film definitely worthy of checking out.
Supermom (2016) Written and Directed by Jason Honeycutt. Starring Justine Herron, Kaylee Dennis, John Hensley, Garrett Sato, Olivia Honeycutt.
8 out of 10
I viewed Supermom today. A very gender perception changing and empowering film for youngsters, especially girls.