Randall from Clerks (that’s Jeff Anderson to you, wise guy) has turned to filmmaking…and what he’s made is a romantic comedy? Wha? I thought I’d have more of a chance finding the Sasquatch raiding my fridge, but here it is – Jeff Anderson has a soft side. Good news is that hanging out with buddy Kevin Smith has obviously rubbed off on him in a positive way.
The film presents us with a familiar situation – a bachelor party is underway and the groom to be doomed, Jeremy, is “enjoying” a bit of hazing from all of his buddies. It’s an amusing scene that kicks off the film good and proper, showing Anderson’s skill for writing clever dialogue as his friends each deliver their own unique take on the whole marriage thing. Jeremy quietly takes in the advice thrown at him as he cradles the bowling ball chained to his leg, but there’s a problem – unbeknownst to his friends, the wedding has been called off. Jeremy’s just in denial, partially because he doesn’t why the hell his fiancé, Kerri, called off the wedding in the first place.
So we spend the entire film taking a look at both sides of the coin as we get closer to discovering the reason for Jeremy’s dismissal. Jeremy struggles with the shock of being single again (and so abruptly) as he hangs out with buddies (and landscaping chowder heads) Gil (Jeff Anderson) and Biscuit. Gil is pretty much the return of Randall from Clerks, so imagine what kind of company Randall would keep and there you have Biscuit. Not the most reliable sources for advice on one’s love life, but they provide a steady stream of funny so you just gotta love ‘em. Meanwhile, Kerri has her own shoulder to cry on, Marty, and this provides plenty of room for the women in the audience to empathize. Jeff Anderson is an equal opportunity romantic comedian.
“Now You Know” boasts a sense of humor very similar to the films of Kevin Smith – it’s just a little more subtle and it’s done right. Anderson doesn’t come off as one of many Smith wannabes, after all, he received training from the Jedi Master himself. But even more than that, Anderson and Smith and all of the other Clerks familiars are all friends, so of course they share the same sense of humor – a sense of humor that has been successful in connecting with audiences for nearly ten years now. And even though that sense of humor is found here, Anderson still adds his own twists and personal flavor, creating a thoroughly entertaining movie that’s all his own.
Ever wonder if Jeff Anderson was really as funny as the character he played in Clerks? Now you know.