Pop quiz, hotshots: Why was Pete feeling so poorly this morning?
- Sympathetic anxiety for Paris Hilton
- Didn’t eat anything from 4:45 PM to 11:30 AM
- Staying out until 2:30 AM at the Maker’s Cigar Lounge for the deadCENTER opening night after-party with Cacky, Melissa, and the rest of the dC gang drinking beer, smoking cigars, and behaving rudely.
- Mostly 3, some 2
I gotta hand it to the deadCENTER folks, they know how to prioritize. They throw a metric fuckton of parties but considerately don’t screen anything before 1:30 PM in the afternoon. This ensures yours truly can actually appear professional and thorough. No small accomplishment.
This is fast becoming one of my favorite festivals. It’s not as decadent as CineVegas, and the venues could use a little SXSW-style Alamo Drafthousing, but everyone involved is friendly and fun as hell. OKC has a small-town feel to it (my friend told me I’d be surprised how easy it was to offend people here) that keeps you pretty at-ease. Plus all the venues are in walking distance of downtown hotels.
Saw Year of the Fish last night (review pending) and A Crude Awawkening and Shut Up and Ride earlier today at the Harkins Cinema in OKC’s bustling Bricktown neighborhood. Bricktown is what happens when you keep a town’s original old buildings and build bars and Hooters restaurants inside them.
Coming up tonight, “Big Story in a Small City” and – *sigh* – another party. This one will take place along with the midnight and horror shorts programs, so that will be groovy.
Provided Don and Mark don’t text me to death. Go to Sapphire and relax, or something.
Oklahoma City rocks!