Having seen so many films this year at Sundance and Slamdance, and with an increasing disinterest in traditional film reviewing and criticism (more on that in a later blog entry), I decided to try and write about all the films in Twitter-sized bites. The result are thoughts that the films caused, not so much of a “did I like or dislike” variety, but of a “what did I take away from these films after seeing them.” While the like and dislike is more traditional, and helps to gauge whether a film could be “good,” very often the thoughts that came out of this experiment are what truly stick with me. I’ll flesh all of these out into fuller items over the next week, but I didn’t want the fests to end without getting these out there. So, without further delay, 27 Sundance / Slamdance Films, Reviewed in 140 Characters or Less:
GANDU – Frenetic, passionate and one of the most unique films I’ve ever seen. Director is risking his life just by showing it #Slamdance
THE FLAW – Capitalism can be awesome, but not when costs of living rise while wages drop. Nothing lasts forever tho, good or bad #Sundance
RESURRECT DEAD – You couldn’t write a better mystery story than life did in this documentary. Keep your eyes open! #Sundance
IF A TREE FALLS – Always more to story than we know. Can’t condone actions of ELF, but easy to follow logic of how they got there. #Sundance
I SAW THE DEVIL – Populated with characters that are more shark than human. Gruesome revenge tale. #Sundance
SUBMARINE – Growing up is hard, especially if you’re weird. Can also be f*****g hilarious. #Sundance
AWOL – When the performances are on, they’re incredible. When they’re not, they’re distracting. Both extremes in tale of love #Sundance
MISS REPRESENTATION – I have an obligation to enact change when my actions, thoughts or world perception can hurt others. #Sundance
CONNECTED – Moving tribute to a father. Grander context is fine, but focus on familial love is more than enough to keep interest #Sundance
MUSIC NEVER STOPPED – Turn up your favorite music, hug your family and friends and enjoy life while you have it! #Sundance
BLACK POWER MIXTAPE – Hard to believe we’re not that far removed from racial inequality; unique view of U.S. history thru new eyes #Sundance
GRAB – A community study, perfect for education in a classroom or on PBS. #Sundance
LAST FAST RIDE – What happens to us as kids can, and often does, define who we are as adults. Treat kids right, dammit! #Slamdance
GREATEST MOVIE EVER SOLD – I want a POM drink. I was sold to while mocking people who try to sell to me. Clever, @MorganSpurlock #Sundance
CIRCUMSTANCE – Sometimes you don’t feel the cage until you try to stand up. Don’t take freedom for granted, if you are so lucky. #Sundance
RED STATE – Ugly side of religion. Violence is matter-of-fact and shocking. Film goes dark, then bleak; ending is incredible. #Sundance
LIFE IN A DAY – Step outside of your own mind once in a while and see the world through someone else’s eyes. Wonderful. #Sundance
PRAIRIE LOVE – If creepy can be sweet & charismatic, then this proves it. Seems to take place on a post-apocalyptic Hoth #Sundance
PAGE ONE – I don’t regularly read the New York Times, but I still hope it never goes away. Overwhelming respect for @carr2n #Sundance
ROAD DOGS – Haven’t seen this much onscreen drug use in films that are about drug use. If you tour with a band, you must see this #Slamdance
HELL AND BACK AGAIN – More than a film, this is an experience. Challenges thoughts on war and the people who fight them #Sundance
BEING ELMO – Not every life story has to be a sad one. Sometimes good things happen for good people. #Sundance
CATECHISM CATACLYSM – Wanted weird, earlier and more often. Steve Little gives both the funniest and most annoying performance at #Sundance
HIGH LEVEL BRIDGE – Canadians have a dark sense of humor, and I like it. Suicide-friendly bridge never looked so pretty. #Sundance
HOT COFFEE – Just because a story is repeated, doesn’t mean it’s true. Question everything; no excuse for ignorance anymore #Sundance
OREGONIAN – Reeder manages to fist-f**k my skull again, only this time with a feature instead of a short. Bring ear plugs. #Sundance
MAD BASTARDS – Study of what it means to be a man. Spiritual journey over three generations. Powerful, charismatic performances. #Sundance