In Nathan Sellers’ short film, The Watcher, Danielle (Sandrine Morin) is the final member of The Children of Enoch. The last member because she was the one to oversee all of the cult’s members in ushering their way to heaven in a suicide ceremony led by their leader, Father Enoch.
In preparation for her final day in this realm, Danielle surveys all the rooms of her newly departed sisters and then listens to tapes of Father Enoch’s prophetic preaching. Then she finally readies for her final breath. However, there’s a bit more worth seeing in Danielle’s story.
“…to oversee all of the cult’s members in ushering their way to heaven in a suicide ceremony…”
The short film itself is fairly simple. The camera captures Danielle in contemplation with the voice of Father Enoch haunting her final minutes. The Watcher transports us back in time to the 1970s in its production values, location, and costuming. However, the actual dresses of the minimalist, off-the-grid religious community haven’t changed in decades.
Story-wise, filmmaker Sellers successfully creates an aura of foreboding, ultimately turning into a sensation for freedom and release through Sandrine Morin’s performance. The Watcher is an interesting look at something dark in nature.
For screening information for The Watcher, visit the Lone Horse Films website.
"…creates an aura of foreboding, ultimately turning into a sensation for freedom and release..."