Rebirth is an animated children-friendly short showing the four seasons of nature in four musical movements by Rayko Takahashi, Alex Wand, and Frank Kilpatrick. The film is meant to bring climate change awareness to children, which is an important subject in the world we live in.
The movie shows children the cycle of seasons through animation and music. With each season displayed, a new movement is played to fit the changing of the seasons. The 12-minute educational video has soothing and relaxing music that gives life to the animation as dancing fungi and trees are front and center for the majority of the short.
“…the cycle of seasons through animation and music.”
While Rebirth does not have groundbreaking animation, it’s simple and very children friendly in the way a Nick Jr. cartoon might be. The duration of the short is perfect to have a child sit and watch it without diverting their attention elsewhere. The animation is meant to open up a discussion about climate change, which is a subject that I do not think many children know about.
I think that after watching Rebirth, children may ask about the meaning of the mushrooms. While this may start the conversation, I do not think children will actually ask directly about climate change if an adult does not bring it up themselves. Even if that is the case, I feel that the topic is a good discussion to have with kids.
"…the topic is a good discussion to have with kids."