You trust 15 year old girls with your children for $2 bucks an hour. What do you think is going to happen?
“I Hate Babysitting” is a gem of a film from beginning filmmaker Tara Spartz. Two teenage girls have their summer ruined by an incessant stream of snotty moms not paying squat to watch their bratty kids. Frustrated by the fact that “they aren’t doing anything else” with the pressure that only Mom’s of teenagers know how to lay on, The girls take their revenge where they can get it, spilling, yelling and plotting their way to the ultimate end of year party. Complete, of course, with beer and boys. Visually the film is great, very professional on it’s limited budget, with a fine cast of friends and family actors that really projects it’s excellence on the young director. The dialog, while realistic, is a little static and there are a few scenes that had the potential of being really outrageous and funny seem to hold back a little. But lines like “does it need that juice” about the radiator fluid leaking from a broken down stole car more than make up for any shortcomings. A real shining star in this film is young actress Katie Benolkin as Amy, she shows a natural gift for comedy delivering almost all the laugh out loud lines. This is a perfect “making do” film, it’s sheet says it was produced on budget, on time with a cast and crew of amateurs. The talent radiates. Anyone bitching about “I don’t have enough money, I don’t have enough time” needs to watch this film and see how it’s done. Kudos Tara. You rock.