Justin Schwan and Allen Osborne continue their comedic series about a serial killer trapped in a small town in Boomslang 3: Your Future. Our story opens in the parlor of the town’s fortune teller, June (Trisha Rae Stahl), with her assistant, Ali (Irving Green), beside her. We learn that June has no real skill in the dark arts but sure believes she does.
On the run for a recent killing (which I assume took place in Boomslang 2), Erik Boomslang (Ryan Vincent) enters June’s fortune-telling parlor as a temporary hiding spot. Boomslang nonchalantly ignores the fact that his properly-pressed, white suit is covered in blood. Playing along with June’s fortune fakery, Erik sarcastically asks her, “Will I ever be caught?” Then, like a deer in headlights, the spiritual shenanigans begin.
“On the run for a recent killing, Erik Boomslang enters June’s fortune-telling parlor as a temporary hiding spot.”
Boomslang 3: Your Future is a brisk 9-minute comedy that focuses more on the genre’s character-comedy side. The jokes may be lite, but wackiness is in abundance. Vincent’s performance as the cold, logical killer contrasts nicely against Trisha Rae Stahl’s as the soothsayer. Likewise, Irving Green’s Ali brings much-needed life to the proceedings. Points are also scored with an appearance by infamous director John Waters as Erik’s father, Franck.
Though I’m not the biggest fan of silliness, Boomslang 3: Your Future offers a fun ride. This particular episode appears to be a brief transition to the next chapter of the small-town killer Boomslang series. I’m definitely interested to see what happens next.
For more information about Boomslang 3: Your Future, visit the Big Picture Artists website.
"…wackiness is in abundance."