Kara Herold’s new documentary “Grrlyshow,” an official Short Film selection for Sundance 2001, takes on the media’s insatiable consumption of sub-cultures, the rise of the alternative press, and much more. Says the creator:
“Girl-zines are do-it-yourself magazines made primarily by and for girls and women. “Grrlyshow” includes documentary material in which girls speak about their zines, and it includes an animation, a narrative, and a found-footage collage. The project translates into film terms some of the girls’ written work, and focuses on the topic of women’s struggle for self-expression and empowerment.”
Whether you’re a riot grrl or boy, a devoted Cosmo reader, or anything in-between, “Grrlyshow” is an informative look at the last 15 years in the press, life, and times of the creators of a huge cultural movement. For the official word, see the [ the “Grrlyshow” site. ]