Top 50 Road Movies By Distance Image

Top 50 Road Movies By Distance

By Chris Gore | January 2, 2018

A new study from travel insurance company InsureandGo has found that Forrest Gump holds the record for the longest total distance traveled in a fictional film, with Tom Hanks’ character running an unbelievable 15,248-miles in one massive, trans-continental jog.

Forrest Gump impressively covered more miles by foot (visiting both the Pacific and Atlantic coasts and crossing the Mississippi three times) than the 10,000-mile boat voyage in The Life of Pi, 8,000-mile plane journey in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade and the 6,000-mile motorbike ride in The Motorcycle Diaries.

The result comes as part of a study conducted by the UK travel insurer, as they looked into the total miles traveled, mode of transport and most places visited in over 300 movies from the 1930’s to the present day.

“Run Forrest, run! Gump’s epic jog was found to be the longest distance ever traveled in movie history.”

Bringing up the statistical rear as the shortest trip ever was action film The Driver with its cars traveling just 3.4-miles in total. The second shortest was in fact the seemingly never-ending speed chase in sci-fi thriller The Road Warrior (aka Mad Max 2), with researchers finding that the vehicles covered just 14.7-miles of real-world distance throughout the whole film.

Another surprising discovery was that Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Roadchip comes in at seventh place on our top 50 distances travelled, with the little animals driving 5788-miles during the film.

Out of all the films studied, 378,244.24-miles were traveled in total, using eight different modes of transport. The insurer also studied films with routes that toured through multiple continents, countries and cities across the world, starting anywhere from Scotland and India and ending in Los Angeles and Vatican City.

 Top 10 Movie Journeys by Distance in Miles

1. Forrest Gump (foot): 15,248

2. Life of Pi (boat): 10,272

3. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (plane): 7,988

4. Eurotrip (plane, bus, hitchhike, train): 6,754

5. The Motorcycle Diaries (Motorbike); 6,240

6. Almost Famous (car): 5,847

7. Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Roadchip (car): 5,788

8. Into the Wild (car): 5,787

9. A Life Less Ordinary (car, plane): 5,611

10. In this world (foot, hitchhike): 5,441

Click here to view the full top 50 movie journeys by distance. 

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